Tuesday, August 31, 2010

1. Ardhanari - DNA

Lets look at a very unique representation of the Divinity
-------- Ardha Nari --------

Ardha Nari represents the concept of Shakti as an equal half of Shiva.

Shakti is the trigger that engergy , that causes the potential, Shiva to actually manifest as creation and life. It is this Shkati that stirs up Shiva with all the potential, to start the Srishti or process of creation and regeneration. Shakti is that Prakrithi ( Natural Impulse ) and energy that therefore causes creation.

Shakti(Energy) is thus the complement of Shiva without both of whom Srishti (Creation) is incomplete.

Such a concept , of the fusion of two giving rise to life is reflected even in the basic building block of every life form, namely the DNA.

The double helical, interwined structure of DNA further reflects this wonderful aspect of the seperate but inseperable components of life.

Which is what the pair of Shiva and Shakti as Ardha Nari represent for the source of life - Shiva being the potential for manifestation for life with Shakti being the trigger and energy behind the Creation of Life.

Many people would have noticed small idols of double helical intertwined snakes (naga) under trees in temples and villages and in other areas.

It will be interesting to note that there is an age old custom in India where people pray to this idol of double helical intertwined snake (naga) in order to beget a child.IT is a practice that seems to tally with the Indian view and understanding of Shiva and Shakti and their roles in Creation, Procreation and Re-Creation.

It will be worth noting that in the concept of Ardha Nari, Shakti is seen as a Saha Dharmini (Equal Participant) of Shiva in all acts.

A point to be emphasized here is that, while in the Western figure of speech, recognitions given to the women by highlighting that behind every successful man there is a woman, Indian thought does not give woman a place behind the man, but considers her as a Saha Dharmini(an equal participant) or a complement to the man.The concept of equality between man and woman was appreciated, understood, practiced and venerated through the form of Ardha Nari.

Now there may be a small question about why Shiva being on the right side and Shakti on the left?

There is a scientific reason behind it too.

The answer is in the finding of a recent scientific study conducted by University of Beleares of Spain.

According to this project which studied the magnetic field produced by electric currents in the brains of men and women, it was found that the active region of the brain in men was focused more on the right side while that in women, used both left and right sides.

Were our ancestors aware of this distinction between the functioning of our brain in man and woman and is Ardha Nari a representation of the awareness of this knowledge ?

This is borne out by the knowledge of our ancestors about the body, its anatomy , its metabolism etc.
(So the answer is probably YES)

Indian Ayurveda and Yoga explain that the left side of human body is connecte with the right side of the brain and vice-versa. The breath through the nostril slows down the metabolism and keeps the body cool and calm.The energies arising out of the breath from the left nostril is associated with the moon or Soma or feminity. The breath through the right nostril increases the metabolism by atleast 50% more and increases the heat and increases the metabolism by atleast 50% more and increases the heat and activity in the body. The energies arising out of the breath from the right nostril are associated with the sun or Surya or masculinity.

Hence, Shiva is depicted on the Right side or masculine side and Shakti on the left side or feminine side.

Science, Materialism and Spirituality

YES!+ Vadodara is done with the 5th day of the workshop.The day passed with participants cracking jokes, having fun and then leaving in heavy rains for their houses.
So today, let's talk something about a topic which people find difficult to understand - Science and Spirituality.
Often one may find people either completely spiritual or completely materialistic.The people who are fully materialistic and take no intrest in Spritual well-being are frusterated and stressed out in the long run.They do not accept spirituality and then throw half-heard scientific facts here and there, leaving everyone including themselves confused.
So let us all understand what is Science and Spirituality.

Actually there is no division between Matter and Spirit !
the finest aspect of matter is spirit and and the grossiest  aspect of spirit is matter.
Science and Spirituality are 2 ways of looking at the entire Creation.

Science needs proof and explanation first and then faith follows.Spirituality is having faith first and then explnation comes up.

People also have this perception that scientists do not believe in spirituality, which is totally wrong.
First of all we all must be aware that the Ancient Rishis of India were Scientists.The explanations given by them for each and everything is so effortless to understand.Also not even a single scientist was prosecuted in ancient India.All of us know Einstein !!! He was such a great scientist and he said that he has never heard anythign like the teachings of Bhagvad Geeta ; he was inspired by it.If we listen to a quantum physicist then it feels as if some person who is well-versed and leared in ancient scriptures is speaking something.

Science is the systematic understanding of "What This Is" and spirituality is understanding "Who Am I".
Today people who are too much materialistic - like politicians , need to broaden their vision and become more spiritual. This will help put an end to the deadly diseases like "Corruption".
Today Scientists are discovering many new things which the Ancient Rishis of india were already aware about.. In ancient times the Rishis could tell the distance between Earth and Jupiter jsut by sitting at a place and meditating for a little while. The Rishis told that everyone is having DNA of all animals in them which scientists are coming up with now. Their living habits were also cultured.They always had a balance between their spiritual nature and materialistic nature. Thus they lived their life happily and gave such simple yet powerful knowledge to the society.

We should also understand that we need both Science and Spirituality to bring contenment to our Soul.

(Next post about Science and Spirituality 1. Ardha-Nari and DNA)
Jai guru Dev :D

Monday, August 30, 2010

The King Of 'em All

Surya means sun and Namaskar means salutation or worship. Surya Namaskar consists of a beautiful set of asanas that massages, detoxifies, and stimulates almost every organ of the human body and brings suppleness to the spine. It is a wonderful way to warm up and stretch at the same time.It is known as THE KING of all asanas.

Surya Namaskar is a panacea for those living in cities and is very pressed for time and an opportunity to exercise adequately. In just ten minutes, your body gets a comprehensive and systematic workout. No other exercise routine can surpass it. It makes the body strong, supple and flexible and tones every part of the body. The back is bent and straightened, the abdomen is compressed and stretched, it loosens up all joints, flexes the muscles, massaging internal organs, and activates all the systems of the body.

Push the right leg as far back as possible; right knee on the floor, sole facing the ceiling. One should remember it is very important to look up.And one should try his best to place the left leg in the space between the two palms.

1. Physical posture: There are twelve physical postures (asanas), which correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac. During the sun’s apparent journey through the heavens it passes through each of zodiac, and is said to triumph over each sign as it enters its domain.(We'll see the 4th posture here featuring Bhaumik and Vikrant doing it , but the ryhythm was preety fast so it may look a bit improper :) )

2. Breathing: The whole movement of Surya Namaskar from the start to finish is synchronised with breathing. Each position is associated with inhalation, exhalation or retention of breathe. Nothing is forced or unnatural, for the breathing corresponds to the pattern one would normally do in relation to the physical movement.

3. Awareness: This is an essential element of Surya Namaskar. Without awareness the many beneficial results are reduced.

One must relax by sleeping in Shava Asana after the surya namaskars for a while and/or meditate for few minutes.

:D jai Guru Dev Bye

Solar Energy to Food Energy

It was the 4th day of the YES!+ Workshop. Like everyday has its own specialities, this day was THE DAY OF SECRETS and the participants were dressed in INDIAN TRADITIONAL manner, with boys in kurtas, pajjamas and dhoti and girls wrapped in sarees. The day began with few people coming on time and the rest left with no option but to pay the fine and get in. It was then the time for little warm and then everone's favourite set of asanas  - THE SURYA NAMASKARS. Surya namaskar is known to be THE KING of all asanas leaving one with plenty of benefits and an unbelieveable exhausted feeling :D. We will look at the benefits in the next post.
Then the secret was delivered and since the day was close to its end the fruit chat competition started and every group was alloted 20 to 25 minutes for making anything with the items and ingredients they brought.
4 groups ended with different themes, explanations and varied fruit chats.The judges liked them all and declared that everyone was a winner by themselves; but were more impressed with a group which came up with nice presentation , good looking ayurvedic sense fruit chat and nice marketing.
And this was the end of day 4 and 5th day awaits a lot of surprises and importance of its own ! ......
Jai Guru Dev

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Meditation is when the mind is alert and all other organs are in deep rest.

Repose in that peaceful, cool, calm, serene, depth of your Being - this is immensely valuable and precious.

Bring the mind, which is all over the place, back to its source.

The first step is to relax, and last step also is to relax.

Meditation is not going somewhere ; it's diving deep inside... this moment

When you meditate, or when you pray, when you are in the space of vastness, calmness and love, you emit certain vibrations - and these vibrations are not limited to you or your environment.

You are not just bringing a harmony within yourself, but you are influencing the subtle layers of creation.

Your prayers transcends physical reality and touches all those mnds or the bodies of souls which are outside your physical reality, reaching the subtle bodies of all the different levels os existence in creation. scheduled