It is more than 5000 years since Lord Krishna was born.The divine himself in his Purana Rupa (complete form).Lord Krishna was born on the 8th day (Ashtami) and 8 stands for Saturn which means dispassion.
He was fully unattached and dispassionate yet enthuastic and lively and always happy.
Everyone of us must have heard the word Gokul.Gokul means society or a family where there is knowledge.His life was fully blossomed.He was the best in all ways.Best lover, best friend, best child, best thief, best musician, beest husband. He is the biggest uncrowned King.Everyone still remembers his journey from Vrindavan to Dwarka.
Now let us talk about his birth, he was born in midnight when everyone was asleep.this signifies that when everyone is asleep self-knowledge is awakened.
Krishna was born to Devaki (Krishna's mother) and Vasudeva (Krishna's father).
Deh (body) is Devaki, Prana (life energy) is Vasudev. When body and life energy unite, then the bliss that is born out of the union is called Nandlala.
while Krishna was born the guards were also asleep.Guards represents the senses and bliss is beyond the senses.The jail represents the body and the river Yamuna, love. It rose to touch the feet of the little Krishna. This means that the love was so intense it could not refrain itself from touching the feet of the Lord.
Till love gets transformed into devotion, there is no satisfaction. So when love happens with a thing, person or situation – it is not fulfilling. However, love reaches its peak when it experiences the touch of the Divine.
The story has an amazing meaning behind it. That’s why our ancestors did not restrict a story to time and place- this is a forever continuing to flow, its happening everyday.
More on His Birth and importance in the next Post :D
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